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Park & Rec 12/17/2007 Meeting Minutes

December 17, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Foster at 7:00 p.m. in the Office of the Parks and Recreation Department at Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:    Chairman Foster, Commissioners Hayes and Waltiere, Park
Director Green, Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.

ABSENT:      Commissioners Simpkins and Szymanski.                
GUESTS:       Ms. Margaret Hoffman, Mrs. Kathy Pippin, members of the public (see attached sign-in sheet) regarding a BMX Skateboard Park, First Selectman Menard, Selectman Hayes and Mrs. DeSousa.


        A quorum was established as three commission members were present.




        MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Special Meeting of
                           November 26, 2007 with the correction to the first paragraph
on Page 3 to read:   The Commission requested Director Green to place the BMX Skateboard Park on the next Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda of December 17, 2007.

Waltiere moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous.


a.              BMX Skateboard Park

Commissioner Foster reported that the Parks and Recreation Department budget for 2007-2008 is $274,000 of which $150,000 is allocated to full and part-time salaries with the remainder of $124,000 to operate the parks and recreation facilities and programs.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Regular Meeting – December 17, 2007

OLD BUSINESS/a:  BMX Skateboard Park  (continued):

The Department does maintain a revolving program account that receives all the registration fees with program expenses being charged against those registration fees.  

Chairman Foster reported that from July 1, 2007 to the present the revolving program account received $34,000 in revenue with program expenses being $29,000 leaving a current balance of $5,000.

Chairman Foster then presented a report prepared by Director Green and Department staff identifying available Town Property and color coded as to current use   or potential future use.


Commissioner Foster was in receipt of a printout from CIRMA, in part identifying guidelines for a skateboard park.  The BMX Skate park group
also had information to hand out regarding facts relative to a skate park and also presented poster boards identifying several sites for the possible location for a park.

After much discussion on both sides, Chairman Foster recommended that a committee be comprised of members of the following interested parties:

                Parks and Recreation Commission 
                Police Department
                Board of Selectmen
                BMX Group Members – both adults and teenagers
                Board of Education Superintendent

The purpose of the committee would be to establish a long-term plan, compile data to support a skateboard park and for the committee to recommend construction of a park to the Community.

The plan would consist of such items as:  forming an Association for the development of a skate park, a site location based on population and visibility, selection of equipment, placement of equipment on parcel, enclosure requirements, method of operation, maintenance schedule, replacement fund, etc.

Some of the ground work has already been researched such as information on insurance, town comparisons and potential site locations.

Chairman Foster suggested a follow-up meeting be scheduled after the holidays.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Regular Meeting – December 17, 2007

OLD BUSINESS (Continued):       

Following this agenda item, most of the guests departed the meeting.

        b.    Dog Park

No discussion this evening.

        c.   Portable Ice Skating Rink

     The ice skating rink and liner have been installed and filled.  The water
     is not completely frozen to the required depth but if temperatures remain
below freezing the rink should be available for use within a week.  The      parking lot still needs to be plowed out from the weekend’s storm.

d.      East Windsor Park – Well upgrade

Groundsman Tetro and Director Green reported that the two final quotes received for this project were as follows:

                Aqua Pump                      $6,985.00
                Eastern Drill Company    $5,406.30

The Commission then compared and discussed the quotes in detail.

MOTION:    To ACCEPT the quote of $6,985.00 from Aqua Pump
                    to upgrade the well head at East Windsor Park.

                    Waltiere moved/Hayes seconded/Vote:    In Favor:

Chairman Foster then elected to add an additional agenda item to New Business:

             d.   Election of Commission Chairman for 2008


a.      Financial Accounts Review

The current Budget by Department was distributed and the
Commission waived review of the report at this time.    

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Regular Meeting – December 17, 2007

NEW BUSINESS (continued):

b.      Park Director’s Report

Director Green reported that the Carol Sing at the Broad Brook Fire
Department was postponed until Saturday, December 22, 2007 with a
rain/snow date of Sunday, December 23, 2007.    

Open Public Skating at the Enfield Twin Rinks will be held on Friday,
December 28, 2007 from 11:50 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.  

Director Green stated that the Winter Program schedule will be distributed through the schools this week.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Broad Brook Pond Park/East Windsor (Reservoir) Park/Pierce Memorial Park (Windsorville)/Propsect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Warehouse Point (Osborn Field) Park:

No discussion this evening.

c.      Groundsman Report

Groundsman Tetro informed the Commission that a plow assembly for the pick up truck would be needed to plow East Windsor Park once the proposed park building is constructed.   Being that this project will not be completed
until next year at the earliest, discussion on this item was tabled.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Broad Brook Pond Park/Pierce Memorial Park (Windsorville)/Propsect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Warehouse Point (Osborn Field) Park:

No discussion this evening.

d.      Election of Commission Chairman for 2008

MOTION:    To ELECT Commissioner Hayes as Chairman for

                    Foster moved/Waltiere seconded/Vote:   In Favor:

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Regular Meeting – December 17, 2007






The bills were reviewed and signed by Commissioners Hayes and Waltiere.


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 9:17 p.m.

                          Foster moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary